How to color the filmora video of Wanxing meow shadow? Practice of Wanxing meow shadow Japanese effect filter
The system judgment method fails: in your project, when you need to judge the system version, do not use the following method: the copy code is as follows: #define isios10 ( systemversion] substringtoindex: 1] intvalue]> = 10) it will always return no, substringtoindex: 1 will be detected as IOS 1 on IOS 10, The following methods should be used: Objective-C reads as follows: #define system_ VERSION_ EQUAL_ TO(v) ( systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] = NSOrderedSame)#define SYSTEM_ VERSION_ GREATER_ THAN(v) ( systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] = NSOrderedDescending)#define SYSTEM_ VERSION_ GREATER_ THAN_ OR_ EQUAL_ TO(v) ( systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericS”……” If there are errors, please point them out. Here are some problems I summarized about ios10 adaptation. Ios10 adaptation problems and solutions are fresh!Īs the release of ios10 approaches, everyone's apps need to adapt to ios10. Processing: replace the ROM chip on the system board. If this kind of fault phenomenon is found, the ROM chip on the system motherboard must be replaced, otherwise there is no display on the machine screen.

Phenomenon 2: after power on, the display shows the following ROM error message:Īnalysis: it can be seen from the system memory allocation table that when the decimal system of the starting address is 960k, the hexadecimal is F8000 When the decimal starting address is 1009k, the hexadecimal is fc000, the address 960k ~ 1088k, that is, the address f0000 ~ fc000 is exactly the address area of 64K basic system ROM BIOS and basic. Processing: return the ROM BIOS to a new one. In the process of using the machine, the fault frequency becomes more and more frequent, and finally crashes, resulting in the host unable to work, and the screen is completely black without any display. In the early stage of this fault, everything can be operated normally. After pressing F1 key, it works normally, and the machine crashes after a period of time.Īnalysis: this phenomenon indicates that the ROM BIOS chip has a fault. Phenomenon 1: after startup, everything is normal, but the display screen displays “f600rom (resume = F1 key)”.